
From Geology to Green Energy:
Glenn Toogood’s Journey to entX

entX has an incredible team of talented individuals, including our General Manager of Hydrogen and Clean Fuels, Glenn Toogood. We recently sat down with Glenn to learn more about his journey to entX and the exciting projects he’s working on.

Glenn, can you share how your career began?

I grew up in Maffra, a small town in southeastern Victoria, as one of six children. My early interest in the energy sector was sparked by living near one of Australia’s major oil and gas fields. After graduating from Catholic College Sale, I pursued a Bachelor of Applied Science in Geology at the University of Ballarat (now Federation University Australia). This led to a career in Engineering Consultancy at GHD, where I worked on various environmental and geological projects, including managing groundwater at the Loy Yang power station in Latrobe Valley.

I then joined ExxonMobil as a Geologist working across the company’s Australian assets. To broaden my knowledge of sustainability, I pursued a Master’s degree in Corporate Sustainability. This led me to lead the Qantas Airways’ Environmental department, where I focused on transitioning to renewable energy sources, including the development of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). Feeling that I had achieved a significant impact in my role, I moved back to the oil and gas sector, taking up a role for Santos’ Narrabri Gas Project overseeing elements of the environment, water, and public affairs disciplines.

Later, I joined Beach Energy, where I countered a negative campaign against the recommencement of natural gas operations in the southeast of South Australia. In 2019, I took a leadership promotion opportunity as the General Manager of Exploration and Appraisal for Beach Energy, based in Adelaide.

How did you come to work at entX?

In 2021, I joined Bryn Jones at entX as one of their first contracted employees, focusing on exploring market opportunities in Green Hydrogen Development. One of our notable projects involved a Memorandum of Understanding with Kimberly-Clark Australia (KCA) to investigate the supply of green hydrogen directly to their manufacturing facility. Additionally, we explored innovative storage solutions, leading us to the discovery of the potential for underground storage in the Polda Basin on the Western Eyre Peninsula in South Australia, named WEGHA (Western Eyre Green Hydrogen Ammonia).

The KCA and WEGHA Projects demonstrate the market opportunities in renewable hydrogen projects. With the right management structure, drive, and agility, there are endless opportunities to create innovative concepts which can be rapidly scaled into leading energy development projects.

What do you love most about working at entX?

The size and agility of entX allow ideas to be swiftly captured and scaled into unique business opportunities. This dynamism reflects the nimbleness of our team and the strong level of support from our Board of Directors. The level of enablement allows us to rapidly develop and scale new concepts into world-leading development opportunities.

What advice would you offer to someone aspiring to enter your field?

Identify dynamic and agile companies like entX, represented by a strong level of experience within the management team. Working for such companies can accelerate your experience and capability development, as well as your career growth trajectory, providing opportunities to work on exciting projects and shape the future of energy.



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